Our Story
The journey from the inspiration for the company, explorations in soil and waste management, and the evolution of WeRadiate technology.
In 2009, Sashti, the founder of WeRadiate, worked in India as part of a year-long fellowship to implement sustainable development projects. During the fellowship, he was inspired by a small community-run farm that was revitalizing its soils using onsite materials: leaves, food scraps, and animal manure. The farm grew food from the compost they created which was then provided to the ashram “monastery” to feed local residents and visitors.
Additionally, being the son of a farmer, Sashti brings his inherent interest in farming and gardening to the forefront of soil health practices.
When Sashti returned to the U.S., he continued exploring the interconnection between soil health, waste management, and technology. He realized the lack of awareness, systems thinking, and data across the sector. Over a decade, he worked in the government, nonprofit, and educational sectors.
Co-founded a community garden in Brooklyn, NY.
Developed educational courses around recycling, food systems, the importance of soil, and more.
Worked with locals, community gardens, parks, and compost operators to uncover pain-points and hurdles in organic waste recycling.
Collaborated with government officials to solve organic waste management.
In 2019, the first sensor for compost piles was developed to improve operations, enable labor efficiency, and create high-quality nutrient-rich compost.
Numerous workshops and community engagement efforts were started across New York State.
By 2021, we established four key company pillars Technology, Data, Community, and Advocacy to solve soil decline in an integrated manner.
Sashti Balasundaram
Founder & CEO
Jui Khopkar
Head of Brand
Sashti and board member Anil with strategic partners at RIT, Rochester NY
Team member Ezra experimenting with sensor v1, Queens Botanical Garden NY
Strategic partner ArcWorks, Rochester NY
Sashti & Jui with board member Rich Delmerico (Center Left) and mentor Charlie Mulligan (Center Right), Grow-NY Summit 2021, NYS
Dior, Mundo, Annalise, and Sashti (Left to Right), Compost Bike Tour partners, Bronx NYC
Daniel, Gil, and Sashti (Left to Right), Compost Bike Tour partners, Brooklyn NYC